Covering across the country
The most comprehensive and fastest cargo solution with the widest network covering every corner of the Country.We have a dedicated team of specialists who provide the expertise for customers as well as regulatory clearances at all states within the country,to supportseamless service to the customers.
Time Bound Delivery and Economical thanAir
Time is precious in the field of logitics' as is rightly said and we value this,is one of our mission.No products/services can compensate if its appropriate time through focus on elapsed.
Faster than Road and SLR/VPU lease through Railway
Four Tones of space in multiples is allowed on lease to provide parties to transport parcels between pairs of station by selected trains.Leasing of SLR space and VPU utilization attract cargo services offering quick transit and high reliability.Goods shed hours are extended to the extent of round the clock operations, whenever and whereever necessary.
Salient Features of ATC Rail Cargo Management
- Time Bound Deliver
- Economical than air
- Faster than Road
- SLR/VPU lease through railway.
- Covering across the Country.
Comprehensive risk coverage
- Inspection of containers and packging materials to avoid unnecessary loss/damage of the goods and repackging, if necessary.
- Development of a structured risk management programme to be practical,operational and cost effective/
- Implementation support and training.
- Programme evolution
- Structures tranfer to client control.
- Management, monitoring and reporting.